Boise - Music Week Parade, 8th and Idaho Streets, 1950
Content Description
This collection contains primarily film negatives taken by Leo J. "Scoop" Leeburn. The collection documents Boise businesses, streets, and events such as parades, beauty pageants, and weddings. Sports events including baseball, wrestling and boxing are well documented as is Boise's night life. There are photographs of the clergy, police and elected officials. Although most of the images are of Boise, the collection includes some photographs of Mountain Home and Glenns Ferry, Idaho that were taken in the 1950s.
- Creation: 1950
From the Item: 18,000 Photographic Negatives : Acetate safety film negatives, black and white; plastic-based, tri/di/acetate ; 2 1/2 x 2 inch up to 4 x 5 inch
Language of Materials
From the Item: English
Repository Details
Part of the Idaho State Archives Photograph Collections Repository
2205 Old Penitentiary Road
Boise ID 83712 United States
(208) 334-2620