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August Rosqvist papers

Identifier: MS 0086


Chiefly files from Rosqvist service as secretary-treasurer of the Idaho Federation of Labor. Included is correspondence with American Federation of Labor officials and local union officers, material on labor legislation, pamphlets issued by the Federation, council minutes from the Pocatello Central Labor Union and the Building and Trades Council (for which Rosqvist also served as secretary), papers relating to national political issues such as the Progressive party, the American Peace Mobilization Movement, and U. S. participation in World War II, particularly as it affected the labor movement, and clippings concerning Rosqvist's civic activities.


  • Creation: 1915 - 1951
  • Creation: Majority of material found within 1924 - 1946

Biographical Note

August Rosqvist, a labor leader in Idaho, served as Secretary-Treasurer of the State Federation of Labor from 1924 to 1946, and additionally served as Secretary-Treasurer of the Pocatello Central Labor Council and the Pocatello Building Trades Council.

Rosqvist was born May 22, 1887 at Tygelsjo, Sweden. He came to the United States in 1911 and went through several States before coming to Idaho in 1913 and joining the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America.

Rosqvist rose through the labor ranks until he became Secretary-Treasurer of the State Federation of Labor. During his long association with labor organizations, Rosqvist was also an active member in many civic organizations, such as the Board of the Community Chest. He also served as an advisor for the State Vocational Education committee, was state commissioner for Russian War Relief, a member of the Labor-Management committee of the War Manpower Commission and the War Labor Board, as well as serving as an advisor for various state committees. He died on August 22, 1961.


29 Cubic Feet (58 document boxes)

Language of Materials


Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script

Repository Details

Part of the Idaho State Archives Photograph Collections Repository

2205 Old Penitentiary Road
Boise ID 83712 United States
(208) 334-2620