Franklin School and Parents Teachers Association records
- Creation: 1932 - 1981
4 Cubic Feet (2 record boxes, 3 flat oversize boxes.)
Language of Materials
General Note
Franklin School was established in 1892 as District 45 of Ada County. The Franklin High School was started in 1908. The school was located at 5007 Franklin Road, Boise, Idaho. The districts of Franklin, Cole and McKinley organized into Class A District II in 1946 and then became part of the Boise School District in 1949.
Source: Firman, Robert G. A History of the Boise Public School System. Boise, 1975
The collection contains incomplete Franklin school financial records and records of various student organizations. The bulk of the collection consists of twelve Franklin School Parent Teachers Association scrapbooks for the years 1932-1968.
- Language of description
- Undetermined
- Script of description
- Code for undetermined script
Repository Details
Part of the Idaho State Archives Photograph Collections Repository
2205 Old Penitentiary Road
Boise ID 83712 United States
(208) 334-2620