Box 1982
Contains 190 Results:
Jennie M. Cornell photographs of Middleton, Idaho
This collection contains nine black and white photographic prints of buildings in and around Middleton, Idaho. Also includes an image of McNish Sawmill in Emmett, Idaho and a portrait of Reverand Benjamin F. Morrow of Dixie, Idaho.
Julia Conway Welch collection of Quartzburg, Idaho mining photographs
This collection contains three black and white photographic prints related to mining in the Quartzburg, Idaho area. Images include a dredge at Centerville, Idaho, a shot of Quartzburg, Idaho during winter, and the crew at Gold Hill Mine.
Escher family Music Week photograph collection
This collection contains five black and white photographic prints of activities and participants of Music Week in Boise, Idaho. Images include two shots of the cast of "The White Buffalo Maiden," a one-act opera that premiered for the first time during Music Week in 1923.
Elizabeth Cuff Treasure Valley photographs
This collection contains nine black and white photographic prints of activities and buildings in the Treasure Valley area. Primary subjects include Givens Hot Springs and the July 3, 1909 fire in Nampa, Idaho. This collection also includes a shot from the 1911 Boise-Weiser championship football game and a photo of a rodeo in Caldwell, Idaho
Frances Tidwell Nezperce, Idaho photograph collection
This collection contains eight mounted black and white photographic prints relating to Nezperce, Idaho. The Eitzen family is featured prominently, but the collection also includes several early photos of Nezperce, Idaho.
LaPearl M. McPherson Charles Lindbergh photographs
This collection contains four black and white photographic prints of Charles Lindbergh's stop in Boise, Idaho on September 4, 1927. After completing his nonstop transatlantic flight in 1927 in his Ryan NYP airplane, more commonly known as "The Spirit of Saint Louis," Lindbergh toured the country, including a stop in Boise, Idaho. This collection contains images of Lindbergh's aircraft, the accompanying plane, and Lindbergh himself.
Violet Gregg photograph of snake rail log fencing near Stanley Lake, Sawtooth Mountains in background
This black and white photographic print shows a snake rail fence composed of logs. The fence appears to be running alongside a road, enclosing a sagebrush pasture. The Sawtooth Mountains can be seen in the background.
Douglas J. Coleman photograph of Frank Post and the Coleman family with dog on rocky slope near Post Falls, Idaho
Adell McMillan collection of Idaho legislator portraits
This collection contains 14 black and white collodion photographic prints of members of the 1895-1896 Idaho House of Representatives. The portraits are mounted on 6.5" x 4" cabinet cards and were photographed by Myers Photography in Boise, Idaho. Ten of the prints are signed by the subjects.
Grace Anderson Poindexter photograph collection
This collection contains 12 black and white photographic prints of assorted images relating to the state of Idaho, including government officials, landmarks, and placer mining near Bliss, Idaho.
Photograph of Idaho State Capitol stone cutting crew and operation at base of Table Rock quarry - Boise, Idaho
This black and white photographic print shows the stone cutting crew in front of the stone yard where the sandstone from Table Rock quarry was cut into blocks used in the construction of the Idaho State Capitol. Robert O. Murrie is the sixth man from the right.
Four men standing in front of Imperial Plaza apartments shortly after opening, 200 N 3rd Street - Boise, Idaho
This black and white photographic print shows four men standing in front of the newly completed Imperial Plaza building at 200 N 3rd Street, Boise, Idaho. A banner on the right lists the following phone number: 342-9200. Identified individuals (left to right): Dennis Cote, Reed Liechty, C.V. "Ike" Wayland, and Leo Stauch,
Al Schussler photographs of church near Cottonwood, Idaho
This collection contains two black and white photographic prints and three black and white photographic negatives of an unidentified church near Cottonwood, Idaho. Church is surrounded by agricultural fields with a single pine tree behind it.
James A. Priebe collection of Walter R. Priebe photographs
This collection contains seven photographic prints related to Walter R. Priebe of Twin Falls, Idaho. Two of the images are of Priebe on his 100th birthday. The remaining five images are of Priebe's house at 155 7th Avenue East, including interior shots of the parlor room.
Diane DeChambreau photographs of Wilma Anderson
This collection contains seven black and white photographic prints of women and girls in the Boise area. Three images show Anderson as a young girl. Other photographs include images of gatherings of unidentified women. It is assumed that Anderson is among one of the women in the group shots.
Cort Conley collection of Idaho photographs
This collection contains 43 black and white photographic prints and four black and white photographic negatives related to locations across the state of Idaho. Dams feature heavily in this collection, including Teton Dam shortly after its collapse in 1976, Dworshak Dam under construction in 1971, Albeni Falls Dam, and a dam on the Clearwater River near Potlatch Mill in Lewiston, Idaho. Other Idaho landmarks include Whitebird Hill, Boise Airport, and the Saint Joe River.
Aftermath of Vindicator Mine explosion in Cripple Creek, Colorado, used in Bill Haywood trial
This collection contains two black and white photographic prints of the aftermath of the Vindicator Mine explosion in Cripple Creek, Colorado in 1903. These images were entered as evidence in the murder trial of William Dudley "Big Bill" Haywood in 1907.
R. Stanley Pearce photographs of Orofino, Idaho hotels
This collection contains nine color photographic prints related to hotels in Orofino, Idaho. Six of the images are photographs of paintings hanging on the walls in the Lumbermen's Hotel. This collection also three exterior shots of the Lumbermen's Hotel and the previous site of the White Hotel in Orofino, Idaho
Roger B. McGinnis collection of "back to school" photographs
This collection contains 16 black and white photographic prints related to "back to school" events in Boise, Idaho. Four images show a "Welcome Teachers" picnic at Julia Davis Park organized by the Boise Chamber of Commerce Education Committee. The remaining 12 images show children in a "Back to School" parade through downtown Boise, Idaho.
Elizabeth Cuff photograph collection
This collection contains eight black and white photographic prints made from copy negatives loaned to the Idaho State Historical Society. Five of the images show names carved into rocks along the Snake River near Melba, Idaho. This collection also contains images of Tim Shirley and Othello Shirley.