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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 2531

12th World Scout Jamboree

Identifier: MS 0829
Content Description

Collection contains photographs, negatives, ephemera, and other documents related to the 12th World Scout Jamboree held at Farragut State Park in Idaho in 1967.

Dates: 1964-1969

14th Session Idaho Senators

Identifier: P2003-005
Content Description

Collection consists of one large photoprint of the 1917, 14th Session of Idaho Senators. Photo taken by Johnson & Son studio.

Dates: 1917

25-horse team pulling combine harvester with six-person crew

 Collection — Box: 1983.2
Identifier: P1983-095
Content Description

This black and white photographic copy print shows a 25-horse team pulling a combine harvester machine in a wheat field. Six people are shown on the harvester.

Dates: ca. 1896

116th Army Engineers 41st Division (WWII)

Identifier: MS 0824
Content Description Historical research compiled and collected by Jerry T. Kendall. It includes books, photo albums, and various paper research articles and histories. Folder Inventory 1: Misc. Combat Engineers Info. Concerning Idaho 2: Misc. WWII Info. National Guard 3: 41st Infantry Division and 116th Combat Engineer 4: Fred C. Hummel and Roster of Vets. 5: 116th Combat Engineers and “Fighting 41st” 6: “The Million Dollar Band”...
Dates: Record Keeping: 1941-1983

1921 Idaho State Fair Rodeo

Identifier: P2000-021
Content Description

Prints of the 1921 Idaho State Fair rodeo. Riders include Ed McCarty, Ike Armstrong, Bonnie McCarroll and Yakima Canutt. Images taken by R.R. Doubleday.

Dates: Existence: 1921

A. E. Olsen papers

Identifier: MS 2/0221

Includes a diary (1905-1909) of Olsen's travels and employment throughout the Northwest and a copy of The song of Idaho by N.E. Ruddock.

Dates: 1905-1915.

A. Gilmore letter : to M.I. Church, Caldwell, Idaho

Identifier: MS 2/0682

Concerning the behavior of Church's son.

Dates: 1905

A. L. Alford papers

Identifier: MS 0604

Correspondence regarding personnel, budget and regulatory issues of the Idaho State Historical Society, 1956-1967. Donated from Alford's personal papers. A large portion refers to Society's search for a permanent director. Other topics include: budget, salaries, board meeting minutes, progress reports and regulations.

Dates: 1956 - 1967

A. M. Harris certificate

Identifier: MS 2/0752

Stock certificate issued by the Roberson, Hill, and Hawes Ditch Compay, Ltd. to Harris, Trustee.

Dates: 1906

A Pictorial History of the 154th Engineer Combat Battalion

Identifier: MS 2/1554
Content Description

Spiral bound booklet of images and a brief history of the U.S. Army 154th Engineer Combat Battalion

Dates: Existence: 1943-1945

A Prayer for the State of Idaho

Identifier: MS 2/1569
Content Description

Original and modern versions of prayer recited at the Washington Memorial Chapel at Valley Forge National Park. Also included is one program for July 6 and 7, 2013 services.

Dates: 2013

A. T. Curtis manuscript

Identifier: MS 2/0633

Recipe for ginger cookies, written on Curtis Bakery stationery, Hailey, Idaho.

Dates: 1914

Abraham Friedline papers

Identifier: MS 2/0323

School notebooks for English and American literature classes.

Dates: 1898-1899.

Abraham M. Scott deeds

Identifier: MS 2/0315

Patent deeds for land in Mississippi.

Dates: 1835.

Abstract of title: Ada County

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MS 2/1516
Dates: [undetermined]

Abstract of title : Caldwell, Idaho

Identifier: MS 2/0717

Abstract of the Dorman Addition, Caldwell, Idaho.

Dates: 1958

Abstract of Title Central Subdivision (Boise, Idaho)

Identifier: MS 2/1540
Content Description

Abstract of Title no. 26752 issued for "The Westerly Ninety-seven (97) feet of Lots Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20) in Block Five (5) of Central Subdivision, Boise City, in Ada County, Idaho. Includes plat map and land patent issued to Thomas Davis. Central Subdivision (later Central Addition), Boise Land Company. Compiled by Boise Trust Company. Subsequent land owners include LaFayette Cartee,

Dates: Record Keeping: October 5, 1869 to January 3, 1930

Abstract of Title, Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Block 71, Boise, Idaho

Identifier: MS 2/1482

This collection contains one bound abstract of title.

Dates: 1867-1902.

Abstracts of Title

Identifier: MS 0898
Content Description

8 abstracts of title from Fremont and Ada Counties. Various years.

Dates: Record Keeping: Majority of material found in 1870-1948

Account book [unidentified mining company]

Identifier: MS 2/1043

Account book of an unidentified Boise, Idaho area mining company.

Dates: 1897 - 1900

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Idaho State Archives Manuscript Collections 2103
Idaho State Archives Photograph Collections 420
Government Records 7
Moving Images 1
Idaho-Politics and government-History-Sources. 148
Boise (Idaho) 80
Boise (Idaho)-History-Sources. 74
Portraits 69
Banks and banking-Idaho-History. 31
∨ more
Frontier and pioneer life 29
Idaho-Politics and government. 28
Mines and mineral resources 27
Buildings 26
Postcards 22
Bank failures-Idaho-History-Sources. 21
Families 21
Idaho-History-Sources. 21
Politicians 21
Dwellings 19
Caldwell (Idaho) 18
Lawyers-Idaho-Boise-Records and correspondence. 18
Women-Idaho. 18
Arrowrock Dam (Idaho) 17
Landscapes 17
Silver City (Idaho) 17
Boise (Idaho)-Commerce-History-Sources. 15
Boise (Idaho)-History. 15
Idaho State Capitol (Boise, Idaho) 15
Mines and mineral resources-Idaho-History-Sources. 15
Streets 15
Idaho-History. 14
Oregon Trail. 13
Women-Idaho-Boise-Societies and clubs. 13
Women-Idaho-Societies and clubs. 13
Abstracts of title 12
Governors 12
Snake River (Wyo.-Wash.) 12
Boise (Idaho)-Politics and government-History-Sources. 11
Historic buildings 11
Horses 11
Hotels 11
Idaho-Description and travel. 11
Lumber trade-Idaho-Boise-History-Sources. 11
Elections-Idaho-History-Sources. 10
Farm life 10
Governors-Idaho. 10
Old Idaho Penitentiary State Historic Site (Idaho) 10
Politicians-Idaho-History-Sources. 10
Republican Party (Idaho)-History-Sources. 10
Steunenberg, Frank, 1861-1905-Assassination. 10
Stock certificates-Idaho. 10
Ada County (Idaho) 9
Agriculture 9
Campaign literature 9
Haywood, Big Bill, 1869-1928-Trials, litigation, etc. 9
Idaho City (Idaho) 9
Idaho-Genealogy. 9
Idaho-Politics and government-History. 9
Newspapers-Idaho-History. 9
Photographers 9
Spanish-American War, 1898 9
Women-Idaho-History-Sources. 9
World War, 1939-1945-Idaho. 9
Boise Natatorium (Idaho) 8
Hailey (Idaho)-History-Sources. 8
Legislators-Idaho-Records and correspondence. 8
Lewiston (Idaho)-History-Sources. 8
Mining-Idaho. 8
Nez Percé Indians-Wars, 1877. 8
Railroads-Idaho-History-Sources. 8
Twin Falls (Idaho)-History-Sources. 8
World War, 1914-1918-Idaho. 8
Agriculture-Idaho-History-Sources. 7
Artists-Idaho. 7
Basque Americans-Idaho. 7
Clubs-Idaho-Boise. 7
Construction 7
Democratic Party (Idaho)-History-Sources. 7
District courts-Idaho-History-Sources. 7
Idaho-Centennial celebrations, etc. 7
Mines and mineral resources-Idaho-Boise County-History-Sources. 7
Mines and mineral resources-Idaho-Owyhee County-History-Sources. 7
Mining corporations-Idaho-Boise-Records. 7
Mining corporations-Idaho-History-Sources. 7
Nez Percé Indians-History. 7
Pocatello (Idaho) 7
Salmon River (Idaho) 7
Stores, Retail 7
Sun Valley (Idaho) 7
United States-History-Civil War, 1861-1865. 7
United States-Politics and government. 7
Wagons 7
Women-Idaho-Boise. 7
Ada County (Idaho)-History-Sources. 6
Architecture 6
Atlanta (Idaho) 6
Authors, American-Idaho. 6
Automobiles 6
Boise (Idaho)-Photographs. 6
Boise (Idaho)-Social life and customs-History-Sources. 6
Boise River (Idaho) 6
Children 6
Education-Idaho-History-Sources. 6
Idaho Falls (Idaho) 6
+ ∧ less
English 2473
No linguistic content; Not applicable 46
Chinese 4
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 2
Japanese 2
∨ more  
Hawley, James H. (James Henry), 1847-1929 6
Alexander family 5
Daughters of Rebekah 5
Andrus, Cecil D., 1931-2017 4
Boise Chamber of Commerce 4
∨ more
Cobb (Ailshie), Margaret, 1883-1959 4
Idaho. Legislature 4
Shoup, George Laird, 1836-1904 4
Tourtellotte & Hummel 4
Underwood, Russell D., 1897-1979 4
Boise (Cruiser) 3
Davis, Jackson Lee "Diamondfield Jack", 1879-1949 3
Davis, Thomas Jefferson, 1838-1908 3
Dewey Palace Hotel (Nampa, Idaho) 3
Idaho State Historical Society. Idaho State Museum 3
Idaho. Legislature.. House of Representatives 3
Idaho. Legislature.. Senate 3
Johnson & Son 3
Lyon, Caleb, 1822-1875 3
Morrison-Knudsen Company. 3
Pierce, Walter E., 1860-1951 3
Swank, Gladys Rae (1900-1983) 3
Albion State Normal School 2
Artesian Hot and Cold Water Company (Boise, Idaho) 2
Badgley, Murray Demetrius (1883-1969) 2
Boise Payette Lumber Company 2
Boise Redevelopment Agency 2
Boise Valley Railway Company (Boise, Idaho) 2
Bowen, Gordon, 1916-2013 2
Church, Frank, 1924-1984 2
City of Boise 2
Coston, Helen, 1873-1957 2
Cowling, Cloah Sebastian, 1886-1973 2
Dunton, Minnie Priest, 1864-1921 2
Edson, Marshall, 1911-1997 2
Fuller, Evert L. "Shorty", 1906-2000 2
Harvey, C.E. (Chester Eugene) 2
Historical Society of Idaho Pioneers (Boise) 2
Idaho (Battleship : BB-42) 2
Jellison family 2
Johnesse, Frank E., 1869-1941 2
Johnson, Henry Zacharius, 1865-1952 2
Kelly family 2
Kingsley, Charles 2
Kirkpatrick, Orion E., 1863-1939 2
Morrison, Harry, 1885-1971 2
Myers, Horace C. 2
Shaw, Rupert 2
Swinney, H. J. (Holman J.), 1919-2006 2
"Bruneau John", ca.1850-1898 1
Ada County Democratic Women's Club (Boise, Idaho) 1
Ada County Republican Women's Club (Boise, Idaho) 1
Amalgamated Sugar Company 1
American Red Cross (Adams County Chapter) 1
American Red Cross (Boise Chapter) 1
Andrews, Wesley 1
Anketell, Willa Leore Adams 1
Ashley Sign Company 1
Atley, Guy, Dr. 1
Attebery family 1
Austin, Ed 1
Austin, Judith 1
Baldridge, H.C., Governor, 1868-1947 1
Bennett, Fred Grant (1886-1979) 1
Bettis, Laurence 1
Big Bend Park Association 1
Bisbee, Clarence, 1876-1954 1
Bisbee, Jessie M. Robinson, 1884-1936 1
Blackinger, Lille 1
Boeck, A. B. 1
Boise Cascade Corporation 1
Boise Equal Suffrage Association (Idaho) 1
Boise Hotel Company 1
Boise Land and Water Company 1
Boise Public Library 1
Boise Rapid Transit Company 1
Boise State College 1
Boise Street Car Company (Boise, Idaho) 1
Boles, Jan 1
Boomer, Fletcher W., 1873-1901 1
Bowers, Chester Arthur , (1919-2020) 1
Bowler, Bruce, 1911-2002 1
Bowman, Isaac H. "Ike", 1840-1903 1
Branstetter, Joseph, 1842-1918 1
Breach, Charles O., 1869-1943 1
Brown, A. F. (Albert F. Brown) 1
Brown, Fountain L., 1921-2007 1
Broxon, Paul 1
Burns, Walter James, 1879-1974 1
Burrell, Ezra A., 1867-1930 1
Byron, William R. 1
Campbell, Joseph Milton 1
Canyon County Historical Society (Idaho) 1
Carter, William James (1884-1954) 1
Chaskey, Jimmie, [?]-1928 1
Citizens for Andrus Committee (Idaho) 1
Colorado Investment Company 1
Committee for Idaho's High Desert 1
Conley, Cort, 1944- 1
Connette, Earle 1
+ ∧ less