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Showing Collections: 2461 - 2480 of 2541

William Bosch at the Broadway Stables in Boise

 Collection — Box: 1985
Identifier: P1985-007
Content Description

Black and white photographic print of William Bosch with group in front of the Broadway Stables on 318 S. 8th street in Boise.

Dates: ca 1908

William Boyle document

Identifier: MS 2/0438

Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus for William Boyle against Bartlett Sinclair for illegal imprisonment in Wardner, Idaho.

Dates: 1899

William Brumm collection of Boise related photographs

Identifier: P1970-023
Content Description

Miscellaneous photographs of Boise, including the Old Penitentiary, the Boise Butcher Co. Ltd., Boise Jewelry Story and the Idaho Militia. The Old Penitentiary image is a glass plate negative.

Dates: 1900

William C. Dunbar letter

Identifier: MS 2/1414

Consists of a letter written by William C. Dunbar to a friend in Brooklyn, New York on April 11, 1903. He discusses his career plans which include leaving the field of teaching for the practice of law. Mr. Dunbar also recounts a drive up the Boise River and describes the cliffs and a sheep shearing operation.

Dates: 11 April 1903.

William C. Maxey papers

Identifier: MS 0092

Check registers, account books, prescription registers, and visit registers of Maxey, a physician of Caldwell, Idaho. Also includes his lecture book from Edinburgh University (Scotland) and one account book (1850-1878) of William Maxey of Illinois.

Dates: 1850 - 1899

William Carey Brown papers

Identifier: MS 0076

A reprinted Infantry journal of Col. William Carey Brown on the incidents in Aguinaldo's capture (Philippines). It also includes maps and copies of maps of the trails made by U.S. troops in the Sheepeater Campaign, as well as manuscripts written by Brown describing incidents of the Sheepeater Campaiagn, 1879.

Dates: 1879 - 1925

William D. Lenzi

Identifier: MS 2/1571

William Dwight Lenzi, MD July 22, 1941 - October 6, 2013 was a orthopedic hand surgeon; and a fifth-generation Idahoan with ties dating back to territorial Idaho who generously gave leadership and insight to some of Idaho's top medical, educational, and botanical institutions.

Dates: 2013-10-12

William D. McReynolds papers

Identifier: MS 2/0191

Correspondence and printed material. Letter from William E. Borah congratulating McReynolds on his appointment as clerk of the U.S. District Court and his political contest with John Nugent and James Hawley; letters concerning McReynolds' position as district court clerk; and a program of the unveiling ceremonies for Senator Borah's statue in the Capitol rotunda, Washington, D.C.

Dates: 1915 - 1947

William D. Whitehead papers

Identifier: MS 0407

Programs for the 50th annual convention of the Idaho Dental Association (1970) and the 83rd annual meeting of the American Dental Association (1941); Idaho Dental Association Directory (1966); Directory of Licensed Idaho Dentists and Dental Hygenists (1960); and dental x-rays.

Dates: 1926 - 1970

William Dawson papers

Identifier: MS 2/0570
Content Description

Letters from William Dawson, Silver City, Idaho, to his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Dawson, England; and one letter from Mrs. Audrey Elizabeth Addeson, Edinburg, Scotland, to the editor of the Preston Citizen (Preston, Idaho) providing biographical information on William Dawson.

Dates: 1874 - 1989

William E. Borah address at Steunenberg funeral

Identifier: MS 2/1060

In Memoriam picture and adress at the funeral service of Frank Steunenberg delivered by Willam E. Borah, Caldwell, Idaho, Jan. 3, 1906.

Dates: 1906

William E. Borah letters (1921)

Identifier: MS 2/1372

Collection consists of two letters concerning the possible establishment of a "First National Bank of Orofino, Idaho." The first letter, dated 10 October 1921, is from W. J. Fowler, deputy comptroller of the Treasury Department, to Senator William E. Borah. The letter explains why the request has been denied. The second letter, dated 8 November 1921, is from Senator Borah to I. R. Crow of Orofino, offering his further assistance with the matter.

Dates: 1921.

William E. Borah political cartoons collection

Identifier: MS 0299

Political cartoons featuring Senator William Borah by Clifford K. Berryman, S. J. Ray, Rollin Kirby, W. Norman Ritchie, and T. E. Powers and Carrey Orr.

Dates: 1920 - 1940

William E. Dickinson letters

Identifier: MS 2/0434

Letters addressed from Rocky Bar, Idaho, to family and friends in the eastern United States describing mining camp life.

Dates: 1866 - 1867

William E. Gillam mining papers

Identifier: MS 2/0113

Stock certificates for the Grey Eagle, Silver City Mining and Milling Company and the May Queen Mining Company of Silver City; also includes prospectus for the May Queen Mining Company.

Dates: 1911-1913.

William E. Waldrop receipt book

Identifier: MS 2.01/03
Dates: 1915-1929.

William Edgar Borah autographs

Identifier: MS 2/0082

Autographs of William E. Borah and his sisters, Sadie and Mattie, written in 1936 during Borah's visit to Fairfield, Illinois.

Dates: 1936

William Edgar Borah correspondence (1902-1932)

Identifier: MS 2/0515

Letters from T.H. Barnsdall, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, regarding Thunder Mountain Gold and Silver Mining and Milling Company (1902); and miscellaneous letters from Borah to his constituents.

Dates: 1902 - 1932

William Edgar Borah correspondence (1910-1917)

Identifier: MS 2/0031

Correspondence regarding placement of a statue of Robert E. Lee in the Hall of Fame; a letter to Peter G. Johnson, Bingham County legislator, regarding support in the Idaho House of Representatives for a compensation bill; and Johnson's reply.

Dates: 1910 - 1917

William Edgar Borah interview from Drawn from Life

Identifier: MS 2/1002

Published interview with Borah, described in Drawn from life, by S. J. Woolf.

Dates: 1932

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Idaho State Archives Manuscript Collections 2103
Idaho State Archives Photograph Collections 430
Government Records 7
Moving Images 1
Idaho-Politics and government-History-Sources. 148
Boise (Idaho) 83
Boise (Idaho)-History-Sources. 74
Portraits 72
Banks and banking-Idaho-History. 31
∨ more
Frontier and pioneer life 29
Idaho-Politics and government. 28
Mines and mineral resources 27
Buildings 26
Families 23
Postcards 23
Bank failures-Idaho-History-Sources. 21
Idaho-History-Sources. 21
Politicians 21
Dwellings 20
Caldwell (Idaho) 18
Lawyers-Idaho-Boise-Records and correspondence. 18
Women-Idaho. 18
Arrowrock Dam (Idaho) 17
Landscapes 17
Silver City (Idaho) 17
Idaho State Capitol (Boise, Idaho) 16
Streets 16
Boise (Idaho)-Commerce-History-Sources. 15
Boise (Idaho)-History. 15
Mines and mineral resources-Idaho-History-Sources. 15
Idaho-History. 14
Oregon Trail. 13
Women-Idaho-Boise-Societies and clubs. 13
Women-Idaho-Societies and clubs. 13
Abstracts of title 12
Governors 12
Horses 12
Hotels 12
Snake River (Wyo.-Wash.) 12
Boise (Idaho)-Politics and government-History-Sources. 11
Historic buildings 11
Idaho-Description and travel. 11
Lumber trade-Idaho-Boise-History-Sources. 11
Elections-Idaho-History-Sources. 10
Farm life 10
Governors-Idaho. 10
Old Idaho Penitentiary State Historic Site (Idaho) 10
Politicians-Idaho-History-Sources. 10
Republican Party (Idaho)-History-Sources. 10
Steunenberg, Frank, 1861-1905-Assassination. 10
Stock certificates-Idaho. 10
Ada County (Idaho) 9
Agriculture 9
Campaign literature 9
Haywood, Big Bill, 1869-1928-Trials, litigation, etc. 9
Idaho City (Idaho) 9
Idaho-Genealogy. 9
Idaho-Politics and government-History. 9
Newspapers-Idaho-History. 9
Photographers 9
Spanish-American War, 1898 9
Women-Idaho-History-Sources. 9
World War, 1939-1945-Idaho. 9
Boise Natatorium (Idaho) 8
Hailey (Idaho)-History-Sources. 8
Legislators-Idaho-Records and correspondence. 8
Lewiston (Idaho)-History-Sources. 8
Mining-Idaho. 8
Nez Percé Indians-Wars, 1877. 8
Railroads-Idaho-History-Sources. 8
Twin Falls (Idaho)-History-Sources. 8
World War, 1914-1918-Idaho. 8
Agriculture-Idaho-History-Sources. 7
Artists-Idaho. 7
Automobiles 7
Basque Americans-Idaho. 7
Clubs-Idaho-Boise. 7
Construction 7
Democratic Party (Idaho)-History-Sources. 7
District courts-Idaho-History-Sources. 7
Idaho Falls (Idaho) 7
Idaho-Centennial celebrations, etc. 7
Mines and mineral resources-Idaho-Boise County-History-Sources. 7
Mines and mineral resources-Idaho-Owyhee County-History-Sources. 7
Mining corporations-Idaho-Boise-Records. 7
Mining corporations-Idaho-History-Sources. 7
Nez Percé Indians-History. 7
Pocatello (Idaho) 7
Salmon River (Idaho) 7
Stores, Retail 7
Sun Valley (Idaho) 7
United States-History-Civil War, 1861-1865. 7
United States-Politics and government. 7
Wagons 7
Women-Idaho-Boise. 7
Ada County (Idaho)-History-Sources. 6
Airplanes 6
Architecture 6
Atlanta (Idaho) 6
Authors, American-Idaho. 6
Boise (Idaho)-Photographs. 6
Boise (Idaho)-Social life and customs-History-Sources. 6
Boise River (Idaho) 6
Children 6
+ ∧ less
English 2483
No linguistic content; Not applicable 46
Chinese 4
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 2
Japanese 2
∨ more  
Hawley, James H. (James Henry), 1847-1929 6
Alexander family 5
Daughters of Rebekah 5
Andrus, Cecil D., 1931-2017 4
Boise Chamber of Commerce 4
∨ more
Cobb (Ailshie), Margaret, 1883-1959 4
Idaho. Legislature 4
Shoup, George Laird, 1836-1904 4
Tourtellotte & Hummel 4
Underwood, Russell D., 1897-1979 4
Boise (Cruiser) 3
Davis, Jackson Lee "Diamondfield Jack", 1879-1949 3
Davis, Thomas Jefferson, 1838-1908 3
Dewey Palace Hotel (Nampa, Idaho) 3
Idaho State Historical Society. Idaho State Museum 3
Idaho. Legislature.. House of Representatives 3
Idaho. Legislature.. Senate 3
Johnson & Son 3
Lyon, Caleb, 1822-1875 3
Morrison-Knudsen Company. 3
Pierce, Walter E., 1860-1951 3
Swank, Gladys Rae (1900-1983) 3
Albion State Normal School 2
Artesian Hot and Cold Water Company (Boise, Idaho) 2
Badgley, Murray Demetrius (1883-1969) 2
Boise Payette Lumber Company 2
Boise Redevelopment Agency 2
Boise Valley Railway Company (Boise, Idaho) 2
Bowen, Gordon, 1916-2013 2
Church, Frank, 1924-1984 2
City of Boise 2
Coston, Helen, 1873-1957 2
Cowling, Cloah Sebastian, 1886-1973 2
Dunton, Minnie Priest, 1864-1921 2
Edson, Marshall, 1911-1997 2
Fuller, Evert L. "Shorty", 1906-2000 2
Harvey, C.E. (Chester Eugene) 2
Historical Society of Idaho Pioneers (Boise) 2
Idaho (Battleship : BB-42) 2
Jellison family 2
Johnesse, Frank E., 1869-1941 2
Johnson, Henry Zacharius, 1865-1952 2
Kelly family 2
Kingsley, Charles 2
Kirkpatrick, Orion E., 1863-1939 2
Morrison, Harry, 1885-1971 2
Myers, Horace C. 2
Shaw, Rupert 2
Swinney, H. J. (Holman J.), 1919-2006 2
"Bruneau John", ca.1850-1898 1
Ada County Democratic Women's Club (Boise, Idaho) 1
Ada County Republican Women's Club (Boise, Idaho) 1
Amalgamated Sugar Company 1
American Red Cross (Adams County Chapter) 1
American Red Cross (Boise Chapter) 1
Andrews, Wesley 1
Anketell, Willa Leore Adams 1
Ashley Sign Company 1
Atley, Guy, Dr. 1
Attebery family 1
Austin, Ed 1
Austin, Judith 1
Baldridge, H.C., Governor, 1868-1947 1
Bennett, Fred Grant (1886-1979) 1
Bettis, Laurence 1
Big Bend Park Association 1
Bisbee, Clarence, 1876-1954 1
Bisbee, Jessie M. Robinson, 1884-1936 1
Blackinger, Lille 1
Boeck, A. B. 1
Boise Cascade Corporation 1
Boise Equal Suffrage Association (Idaho) 1
Boise Hotel Company 1
Boise Land and Water Company 1
Boise Public Library 1
Boise Rapid Transit Company 1
Boise State College 1
Boise Street Car Company (Boise, Idaho) 1
Boles, Jan 1
Boomer, Fletcher W., 1873-1901 1
Bowers, Chester Arthur , (1919-2020) 1
Bowler, Bruce, 1911-2002 1
Bowman, Isaac H. "Ike", 1840-1903 1
Branstetter, Joseph, 1842-1918 1
Breach, Charles O., 1869-1943 1
Brown, A. F. (Albert F. Brown) 1
Brown, Fountain L., 1921-2007 1
Broxon, Paul 1
Burns, Walter James, 1879-1974 1
Burrell, Ezra A., 1867-1930 1
Byron, William R. 1
Campbell, Joseph Milton 1
Canyon County Historical Society (Idaho) 1
Carter, William James (1884-1954) 1
Chaskey, Jimmie, [?]-1928 1
Citizens for Andrus Committee (Idaho) 1
Colorado Investment Company 1
Committee for Idaho's High Desert 1
Conley, Cort, 1944- 1
Connette, Earle 1
+ ∧ less