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Showing Collections: 2481 - 2500 of 2541

William Edgar Borah letter : to S.C. Bowen and S.K. Goldtrap

Identifier: MS 2/0370

Billing for attorney fees in a case involving the Basic Company, a firm operating mines in Boise County, Idaho.

Dates: 1899

William Edgar Borah papers (1890-1907)

Identifier: MS 0006

Correspondence, legal papers, drafts of addresses, and notes relating mainly to Borah's law practice. Includes papers relating to the Republican Party; the Western Federation of Miners' conspiracy cases involving William D. Haywood and the assassination of Frank Steunenberg; William H. Dewey's mining and railroading enterprises; the Barber Lumber Company, the Potlatch Lumber Compay, and the Pacific and Idaho Northern Railway.

Dates: 1890 - 1907

William Edgar Borah papers (1899-1950)

Identifier: MS 0608

Sympathetic correspondence to Mrs. Borah upon Senator Borah's death, personal belongings such as speeches, photographs, social engagements, books and a large collection of national newspaper clippings noting Borah's death, achievements, and international stature.

Dates: 1899 - 1950

William Edgar Borah papers (1906-1947)

Identifier: MS 2/1228

Collection includes miscellaneous items relating to Borah including :1906 campaign postcard, a poem by Eva L. White; correspondence to G.M. Paulson of Parma and S. Whitehead of Boise; and proceedings of the Borah statue unveiling.

Dates: 1906-1947.

William Edgar Borah papers (1907-1976)

Identifier: MS 0605

Contains local and national newspaper and magazine articles regarding Borah's 33 year political career, local and national reaction to his death, and Mrs. Borah's reminiscences of her experience as a Senator's wife.

Dates: 1907 - 1976

William Edgar Borah papers (1930-1949)

Identifier: MS 2/0032

Letters to James R. Stotts (1873-1951), writer for the Idaho Statesman and Nampa Free Press, from Borah concerning various matters of legislation and foreign affairs. Also includes printing estimates for an unpublished biography about Borah, written by Stotts; and a foreword to the biography written by J.D. (Cy) Price, Idaho secretary of state.

Dates: 1930 - 1949; Majority of material found within 1934 - 1939

William Edgar Borah papers (1932-1957)

Identifier: MS 2/0655

Correspondence between Borah and Victor Drogdy; and articles from Idaho Yesterdays and the Portland Oregonian concerning gifts made to Borah by the government of Hungary. Photocopies in folder, originals locked in cabinet.

Dates: 1932 - 1957

William Edgar Borah photograph album

Identifier: MS 2/0634

William Edgar Borah speeches

Identifier: MS 2/1312

Pamphlet collection with speeches and addresses given by Borah on an array of topics: women's suffrage, the silver issue, foreign affairs, etc.

Dates: 1896-1938.

William F. Johnston correspondence

Identifier: MS 2/0244

Letters between William Johnston, editor of the Lewiston Morning Tribune and W.D. Eberle, Boise, Idaho. Topics include appropriations for the Children's Commission and the Territorial Centennial Commission, and Spalding, Idaho, as an economic and social center for the Nez Perce.

Dates: 1957 - 1965

William G. Simpson letter

Identifier: MS 2/0341

Pastoral letter of Simpson, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and H.W. Stratton, general missionary of the Presbyterian Church, Boise, Idaho.

Dates: Jan. 1, 1878.

William G. Thompson papers

Identifier: MS 2/0296

Letters from Thompson, Malad City, Idaho to his wife Jane and son John, Marion, Iowa, regarding his duties as Idaho territorial chief justice (Feb.-May, 1879); letter to Thompson from U.S. attorney general, Washington, D.C., accepting his resignation; photograph of Thompson as member of the Iowa house of representatives.

Dates: 1879

William George Gregory papers

Identifier: MS 2/0121

Letter by Gregory from London, England to chief of police in Boise City, Idaho Territory concerning the whereabouts of Gregory's brother, Charles. Includes a photograph of Charles.

Dates: 1879

William H. Drake sales contracts

Identifier: MS 2/0887

Sales contract from Samuel Dawson of Rocky Bar, Idaho, to Drake, of an interest in an arrastra and other items in Alturas County, Idaho (1865); and a sales contract by J.H. Stephens to Drake, for an arastra water wheel and mill site in Boise County, Idaho (1868).

Dates: 1865 - 1868

William H. Ridenbaugh papers

Identifier: MS 0167

Ledger (1916-1923), letterpress book (1909-1914), and cash book (1915-1923) of the W.H. Ridenbaugh Lumber Company of Boise. Idaho; and private ledgers (1901-1907, 1909-1911) of Mary Elizabeth Ridenbaugh (nee Black), a portion of which deal with her term as vice-president of the Board of Regents of the University of Idaho.

Dates: 1901 - 1923

William Harroun Behle papers

Identifier: MS 2/1227

Collection includes history of the Behle family; William Henry, M.D. (1842-1900), Augusta Bush (1847-1882) and Anna Behle (1858-1945). Dr. Behle practiced medicine in Blackfoot, Idaho.

Dates: 1993.

William Henson Wallace appointment

Identifier: MS 2.02/02

Includes certificate of appointment as governor of the Territory of Idaho.

Dates: 1863

William Henson Wallace collection

Identifier: MS 2/0310

Election results for the Idaho territorial delegate's seat (1863); certificate of appointment as delegate to the National Union Convention (1864); letter from A.L. Dorimer, Lewiston, Idaho, regarding the convention.

Dates: 1863-1866

William Henson Wallace letter

Identifier: MS 2/0845

Letter, on congressional stationery, giving a brief autobiographical sketch.

Dates: 1864

William Henson Wallace papers

Identifier: MS 0140

Letters (1861-1863) related to activities in the Puget Sound region of Washington Territory, for which Wallace served as a delegate in the U.S. Congress. Letters (1864-1865), written during Wallace's term as territorial delegate from Idaho, concern conditions there and the Federal Government's intentions for the Territory. There are also a small number of letters to Mrs. Wallace.

Dates: 1861-1879

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Idaho State Archives Manuscript Collections 2103
Idaho State Archives Photograph Collections 430
Government Records 7
Moving Images 1
Idaho-Politics and government-History-Sources. 148
Boise (Idaho) 83
Boise (Idaho)-History-Sources. 74
Portraits 72
Banks and banking-Idaho-History. 31
∨ more
Frontier and pioneer life 29
Idaho-Politics and government. 28
Mines and mineral resources 27
Buildings 26
Families 23
Postcards 23
Bank failures-Idaho-History-Sources. 21
Idaho-History-Sources. 21
Politicians 21
Dwellings 20
Caldwell (Idaho) 18
Lawyers-Idaho-Boise-Records and correspondence. 18
Women-Idaho. 18
Arrowrock Dam (Idaho) 17
Landscapes 17
Silver City (Idaho) 17
Idaho State Capitol (Boise, Idaho) 16
Streets 16
Boise (Idaho)-Commerce-History-Sources. 15
Boise (Idaho)-History. 15
Mines and mineral resources-Idaho-History-Sources. 15
Idaho-History. 14
Oregon Trail. 13
Women-Idaho-Boise-Societies and clubs. 13
Women-Idaho-Societies and clubs. 13
Abstracts of title 12
Governors 12
Horses 12
Hotels 12
Snake River (Wyo.-Wash.) 12
Boise (Idaho)-Politics and government-History-Sources. 11
Historic buildings 11
Idaho-Description and travel. 11
Lumber trade-Idaho-Boise-History-Sources. 11
Elections-Idaho-History-Sources. 10
Farm life 10
Governors-Idaho. 10
Old Idaho Penitentiary State Historic Site (Idaho) 10
Politicians-Idaho-History-Sources. 10
Republican Party (Idaho)-History-Sources. 10
Steunenberg, Frank, 1861-1905-Assassination. 10
Stock certificates-Idaho. 10
Ada County (Idaho) 9
Agriculture 9
Campaign literature 9
Haywood, Big Bill, 1869-1928-Trials, litigation, etc. 9
Idaho City (Idaho) 9
Idaho-Genealogy. 9
Idaho-Politics and government-History. 9
Newspapers-Idaho-History. 9
Photographers 9
Spanish-American War, 1898 9
Women-Idaho-History-Sources. 9
World War, 1939-1945-Idaho. 9
Boise Natatorium (Idaho) 8
Hailey (Idaho)-History-Sources. 8
Legislators-Idaho-Records and correspondence. 8
Lewiston (Idaho)-History-Sources. 8
Mining-Idaho. 8
Nez Percé Indians-Wars, 1877. 8
Railroads-Idaho-History-Sources. 8
Twin Falls (Idaho)-History-Sources. 8
World War, 1914-1918-Idaho. 8
Agriculture-Idaho-History-Sources. 7
Artists-Idaho. 7
Automobiles 7
Basque Americans-Idaho. 7
Clubs-Idaho-Boise. 7
Construction 7
Democratic Party (Idaho)-History-Sources. 7
District courts-Idaho-History-Sources. 7
Idaho Falls (Idaho) 7
Idaho-Centennial celebrations, etc. 7
Mines and mineral resources-Idaho-Boise County-History-Sources. 7
Mines and mineral resources-Idaho-Owyhee County-History-Sources. 7
Mining corporations-Idaho-Boise-Records. 7
Mining corporations-Idaho-History-Sources. 7
Nez Percé Indians-History. 7
Pocatello (Idaho) 7
Salmon River (Idaho) 7
Stores, Retail 7
Sun Valley (Idaho) 7
United States-History-Civil War, 1861-1865. 7
United States-Politics and government. 7
Wagons 7
Women-Idaho-Boise. 7
Ada County (Idaho)-History-Sources. 6
Airplanes 6
Architecture 6
Atlanta (Idaho) 6
Authors, American-Idaho. 6
Boise (Idaho)-Photographs. 6
Boise (Idaho)-Social life and customs-History-Sources. 6
Boise River (Idaho) 6
Children 6
+ ∧ less
English 2483
No linguistic content; Not applicable 46
Chinese 4
English, Old (ca.450-1100) 2
Japanese 2
∨ more  
Hawley, James H. (James Henry), 1847-1929 6
Alexander family 5
Daughters of Rebekah 5
Andrus, Cecil D., 1931-2017 4
Boise Chamber of Commerce 4
∨ more
Cobb (Ailshie), Margaret, 1883-1959 4
Idaho. Legislature 4
Shoup, George Laird, 1836-1904 4
Tourtellotte & Hummel 4
Underwood, Russell D., 1897-1979 4
Boise (Cruiser) 3
Davis, Jackson Lee "Diamondfield Jack", 1879-1949 3
Davis, Thomas Jefferson, 1838-1908 3
Dewey Palace Hotel (Nampa, Idaho) 3
Idaho State Historical Society. Idaho State Museum 3
Idaho. Legislature.. House of Representatives 3
Idaho. Legislature.. Senate 3
Johnson & Son 3
Lyon, Caleb, 1822-1875 3
Morrison-Knudsen Company. 3
Pierce, Walter E., 1860-1951 3
Swank, Gladys Rae (1900-1983) 3
Albion State Normal School 2
Artesian Hot and Cold Water Company (Boise, Idaho) 2
Badgley, Murray Demetrius (1883-1969) 2
Boise Payette Lumber Company 2
Boise Redevelopment Agency 2
Boise Valley Railway Company (Boise, Idaho) 2
Bowen, Gordon, 1916-2013 2
Church, Frank, 1924-1984 2
City of Boise 2
Coston, Helen, 1873-1957 2
Cowling, Cloah Sebastian, 1886-1973 2
Dunton, Minnie Priest, 1864-1921 2
Edson, Marshall, 1911-1997 2
Fuller, Evert L. "Shorty", 1906-2000 2
Harvey, C.E. (Chester Eugene) 2
Historical Society of Idaho Pioneers (Boise) 2
Idaho (Battleship : BB-42) 2
Jellison family 2
Johnesse, Frank E., 1869-1941 2
Johnson, Henry Zacharius, 1865-1952 2
Kelly family 2
Kingsley, Charles 2
Kirkpatrick, Orion E., 1863-1939 2
Morrison, Harry, 1885-1971 2
Myers, Horace C. 2
Shaw, Rupert 2
Swinney, H. J. (Holman J.), 1919-2006 2
"Bruneau John", ca.1850-1898 1
Ada County Democratic Women's Club (Boise, Idaho) 1
Ada County Republican Women's Club (Boise, Idaho) 1
Amalgamated Sugar Company 1
American Red Cross (Adams County Chapter) 1
American Red Cross (Boise Chapter) 1
Andrews, Wesley 1
Anketell, Willa Leore Adams 1
Ashley Sign Company 1
Atley, Guy, Dr. 1
Attebery family 1
Austin, Ed 1
Austin, Judith 1
Baldridge, H.C., Governor, 1868-1947 1
Bennett, Fred Grant (1886-1979) 1
Bettis, Laurence 1
Big Bend Park Association 1
Bisbee, Clarence, 1876-1954 1
Bisbee, Jessie M. Robinson, 1884-1936 1
Blackinger, Lille 1
Boeck, A. B. 1
Boise Cascade Corporation 1
Boise Equal Suffrage Association (Idaho) 1
Boise Hotel Company 1
Boise Land and Water Company 1
Boise Public Library 1
Boise Rapid Transit Company 1
Boise State College 1
Boise Street Car Company (Boise, Idaho) 1
Boles, Jan 1
Boomer, Fletcher W., 1873-1901 1
Bowers, Chester Arthur , (1919-2020) 1
Bowler, Bruce, 1911-2002 1
Bowman, Isaac H. "Ike", 1840-1903 1
Branstetter, Joseph, 1842-1918 1
Breach, Charles O., 1869-1943 1
Brown, A. F. (Albert F. Brown) 1
Brown, Fountain L., 1921-2007 1
Broxon, Paul 1
Burns, Walter James, 1879-1974 1
Burrell, Ezra A., 1867-1930 1
Byron, William R. 1
Campbell, Joseph Milton 1
Canyon County Historical Society (Idaho) 1
Carter, William James (1884-1954) 1
Chaskey, Jimmie, [?]-1928 1
Citizens for Andrus Committee (Idaho) 1
Colorado Investment Company 1
Committee for Idaho's High Desert 1
Conley, Cort, 1944- 1
Connette, Earle 1
+ ∧ less